1999 Hannoverian gelding by Lordanos x Forrest XX
3rd $50,000 Old Salem Farm Grand Prix
Winner $15,000 Old Salem Farm Speed Derby
Winner $20,000 Old Salem Farm Speed Derby
“Fly,” as he is affectionately known, joined Double H Farm for rider Rodrigo Pessoa in 2008. They kicked off their first season together with a grand prix win at CSI3*-W Green Cove Springs, Fla. In the following years, the team won grand prix classes at CSI5* Charlotte, N.C., CSIO5* Rome, CSI2*-W Harrisburg and CIS4*-W Wellington, Fla. When Fly was ready to step down, Rodrigo’s wife, Alexa Pessoa, took over the ride and had great results with him at the 2* grand prix level. Fly is now happily retired in Belgium.